Continuity of care, unrushed appointments and the comfort and familiarity of your own home lead to a better birth experience for all.


A complete package to nourish you and your baby throughout pregnancy, birth and the early days. This includes everything in the two packages below, plus your birth. All antenatal appointments, antenatal classes, attendance at your birth, postnatal care and breastfeeding support. 

I am always on call for you 24/7 until your baby is born. You can contact me via phone or email between appointments to ask questions or share concerns. 

I will support you throughout your labour and birth and stay with you until you are settled in bed with your newborn baby. When you birth at home we will have the support and assistance of another midwife.

Please note the full package is only suitable for those wanting a home birth. I no longer attend births in a hospital environment (unless a transfer from home). I believe the safest place to give birth is at home and I am not able to have the voice you would need in a hospital environment. 

Includes full indemnity insurance.

£8000 (£8500 in London and suburbs). Payment in instalments available.


Antenatal care in your own home from the time you feel you need support. I will monitor you health and the health of your baby’s. We will discuss your individual needs, explore birth options and choices. I offer an extended session preparing you for birth using a ‘beaded birth line’ giving us the opportunity to explore all eventualities and a session to prepare to feed your baby.

Also available as a one off appointment to discuss anything you wish during your pregnancy.

Antenatal birth chats can also be held virtually via phone or video call if you do not live nearby.

Includes full indemnity insurance.

£3000 (£3250 in London and suburbs)

Post Natal CARE

I offer frequent visits to your home for the first two weeks. After that the frequency of visits will depend on what you and your baby need. These visits will include breastfeeding support, checks for emotional and physical wellbeing. It also includes weighing your baby regular and routine newborn screening if desired.

Includes full indemnity insurance.

£1500-£2000 depending on how many weeks required (£1650-£2200 in London and suburbs)